Back in 2002 after completing his 10+2 with very poor grades, Poor Guy was struggling what to do next?
- He had not scored enough to get admission in regular college
- He was not having good friends around to discuss about career options
- He reached out as many as relatives, friends and family members he could to get the insight
No Luck, Poor Guy had no clue what is next?
Typical lower middle class family situation where you have no financial support to invest in your career, you can’t even think about setting up any kind of businesses and pressure to earn and support your family financially asap. His parents supported him and told they will try their best to help financially. He was free to plan his career with emotional support from parents. Year 2002, all discussions were about computers, programming, websites, data entry and internet. Poor Guy had no idea what is this nonsense everybody talking about. He started visiting computer institutes enquiring about course, related career options and most important part Course Fee.
No one suggested him anything, he was exploring the world based on the little information he gathered from newspaper, radio and tv. He managed to enroll himself for a 3 years computer program (2 hours daily class, 1 time payment of Rs. 20000 and rest monthly installments). Monthly installment was not a big deal as he can do any job to earn but 20K (1 time payment) was a big deal. Somehow his parents borrowed 20K to support him.
For first year he worked as an insurance agent and gave private home tuitions to pay the fee but he was not getting much time for studies. Spending 1 year in a computer institute gave him fair idea about software and hardware. His hard work, networking and interpersonal skills paid him back. He got an opportunity to work as computer lab support staff in same institute. He was little hesitant due to his limited belief system (belief that he is not good in English communication) but he had no better choice so picked the opportunity up.
Are you puzzled? So far there is no match between the title of the article and the content. I have to explain the past story before I take you to the mentor.
He performed really well, learned tools and tactics in next 2 years. He got promoted to a faculty from a lab support staff. He started earning little extra, earned a lot of respect from students and fellow faculties. After successful completion of the course he joined their as full-time faculty. His trained students were getting placed in top MNCs and sooner he realized he should also give a try but he couldn’t. Again due to his limited belief system.
- He is not having degree from regular college
- He has poor academic grades
- Of course English communication is another hurdle
Though he was very close to the head of the placement cell but he never asked for any help from her (Would be Mentor).
Let’s call Head of placement cell as Mentor Mam as later she became the Mentor of the poor guy unknowingly. Mentor Mam who is so kind, having decades of industry experience and travelled across the world saw the Poor Guy.
Mentor Mam – “Beta Why don’t you try for MNCs, you are a good fit as per industry need”
Poor Guy – “Maaaam, I am good here, it’s OK”
Mentor Mam – “Alright as you wish”
— Mentor never force the Mentee, They create the situation and wait for right time to act.
—After few days—
Poor Guy – “Mam, I wanted to try for MNCs but I am not eligible

Mentor Mam – “with smile, Who told you? Have you ever you tried?”
Poor Guy – “No Mam, but they will not even short list my profile..blah ..blah..blah”
Mentor Mam – “Tapped his shoulder and whispered the magic words, Beta you can do it”
She gave 2 weeks to prepare, you have to attend the off-campus drive of 3rd top Indian IT MNC. Poor Guy was dam sure it’s gonna be total waste of time and nothing else.
He was technically sound, had good amount of industry practical experiences. Probably Mentor Mam smelled the lack of confidence, limited belief system and narrow mindset. She gave few instructions to follow him for next 2 weeks to fix non technical problems. Day before the off-campus drive she whispered another set of magic words. “Go attend all the rounds of interview and don’t worry about result“.
There is another life lesson story how poor guy reached to the interview venue? On the way 3 times he decided to quit, not to attend the interview and go back to home. let me skip that for now.
Poor Guy reached to venue by 9:00 AM and result was declared by 8:00 PM after a day long rounds of interviews. Long story in short, there were total 300 candidates participated in off-campus drive. Out of 300 hundred only 5 candidates were selected including Poor Guy.
Poor Guy is no more poor, Mentor made him rich.
How did you survive all rounds of interviews and made it to the final? I asked.
He replied the magic words “Beta You Can Do It”.
Mentors are Magician.
Mentors are like GPS, They guide you, They re-route you, They show the best route, They can tell which road has more traffic or accident prone area, They suggest you to slow down, They explain you when to pedal and when to apply the brakes. Again Mentors are Magician.
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