Monday, July 8, 2013



  1. What is the purpose of Folder "ActionZero"?
  2. Default run time settings & Global run time settings?
  3. How to inform QTP about application under test?
  4. Which all Browser's QTP supports for recording?
  5. Which all Browser's QTP supports for execution?
  6. Use of Active Screen?
  7. Checkpoints Parameterisation?
  8. How to execute alternate iterations?
  9. List all the web - objects QTP supports?
  10. Extension of QTP script?
  11. Result option exists under which Menu of QTP?

Script Debugging

  1. What is the difference b/w F10 and F11 keys?
  2. How to use different shortcuts when we have multiple actions withing 1 script?
  3. What is the use of Debug Viewer and different components of Debug Viewer?
  4. Difference b/w Step Over and Step Into.


  1. Difference b/w Error Handler and Recovery Scenario?