Friday, November 25, 2011

Functions in QTP........

 'FAQ, Functions

 'Functions (strcomp, mid, split, instr, replace,filter etc)
 temp="Welcome BAck"
 temp1="Welcome Back"
 temp2="Welcome, Mr. James, Way, JamBach"

 For i=0 to limit
 msgbox text(i)

 For i=0 to limit
 msgbox text1(i)

 msgbox text

 msgbox text

 msgbox text

 'STRCOMP()  Binary & Text Comprison
 If strcomp(temp,temp1,0)=0 Then
  msgbox "Pass"
  msgbox "Failed"
 End If

1 comment:

  1. QTP is most popular and trusted platform to perform function testing. Your article is very useful for software testing professionals thanks for sharing.

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